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Project Management

Whether it’s a new facility, a software upgrade, or a problem needing a solution, sound project management is essential for a smooth transition from current state to future state. However, project management disciplines add “overhead” to the work, and the amount can be too much, too little, or just enough. Compelling Reason consultants understand the disciplines, and they also have the experience to adapt them to the project. Their PM tool chest includes adjustable models for:

  • Determining business needs and objectives

  • Chartering and setup

  • Scoping and estimating resource requirements

  • Scheduling and budgeting

  • Executing and communicating progress

  • Monitoring and controlling

  • Closing and completing

Compelling Reason Consultants are well versed in PMBOK standards and Agile and Lean techniques.

As project managers for a regional healthcare insurance
company, Compelling Reason consultants led a project in software development for the principle patient information system. They provided oversight of 100+ local and off-shore developers to meet critical milestones in schedule and quality.


For a supplier of dental financial management and computer systems, Compelling Reason consultants assessed the feasibility of alternative computing platforms.  They  established performance requirements, investigated alternatives, and facilitated determination of the going-forward strategy.

Our Case Study

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