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Performance Optimization

Enduring enterprises must balance two imperatives: Careful management of today’s operations, and strategic initiatives that will define tomorrow’s.
Compelling Reason guides leadership teams in:​

  • ​Establishing the big picture: mission, goals, and strategies

  • Involving employees and aligning resources at all levels​

  • Defining the portfolio of current operations​

  • Prioritizing the portfolio of initiatives and projects​

  • Setting up protocols and scorecards to monitor progress​

  • ​Introducing the tools of continuous improvement at all levels

For a hospital facing increasing competition and lower reimbursement rates, Compelling Reason analyzed the portfolio of major surgical procedures. Focusing on the vital few, the hospital assembled cross disciplinary teams that identified improvement opportunities. With reduced operating costs, the hospital accommodated lower reimbursement and maintained market share with payers.

Our Case Study

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