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New Venture Guidance

Compelling Reason consultants have launched ventures in software applications, medical devices and supplies, healthcare delivery, retail operations, distribution systems, consulting services, real property, outsourcing, and more. We can share the benefits of our experience for:

  • Confirming the business proposition

  • Validating critical systems (especially for software)

  • Partnering with industry leaders

  • Recruiting the right talent

  • Defining essential processes

  • Setting up internal controls

  • Organizing business development

  • Navigating mergers

A promising start-up was poised for rapid growth, boosted by an endorsement from a prestigious tech incubator. Its financial backers commissioned Compelling Reason to validate the expansion
strategy and financial model and to identify essential business
partners. In a matter of weeks, the company had negotiated agreements
with primary and secondary partners, and the expansion was underway.

At Baxter Healthcare, Kelly Jensen helped launch software applications and consulting services for hospital market analysis. In three years they
became market leaders producing enthusiastic clients at 300+ hospitals and
generating millions in revenue.

Our Case Study

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